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10 ways to make the school morning routine easier

The school morning routine can be tough, especially as a parent. In fact, we found that parents in the UK spend two hours each day getting their child ready for school- that's ten hours a week! To help make sure things go smoothly, here are ten things you can do to make the school morning just that little bit easier.

The night before

The secret to a successful morning is a little pre-organisation the night before. Give yourself a good few hours before bed to do these so you still have time to relax and wind down in the evening.

1. Check the weather

It’s a good idea to check your local weather app to get an idea of what your child needs to bring with them the following day. Rainy forecasts call for a raincoat, umbrella and wellies, while you may want to pack suncream for sunnier weather.

2. Lay out uniforms

There’s nothing worse than reaching Friday morning and realising that your child has no clean socks left.  So stay one sock ahead of the game and lay out your kids’ school uniforms the night before. This way, you can see if anything needs washing before it’s too late. Here are some things to get ready:

• School uniform tights
• School briefs and socks
• School trousers/shorts/skirt and a belt
• Polo or shirt
• Blazer, jumper or cardigan 
• Tie

Does their schoolwear wardrobe need a refresh? Explore our collection of girls’ schoolwear and boys’ schoolwear.

3. Prepare packed lunches

Avoid the rush of making their school lunch in the morning and instead do it the evening before. Here are some things to include: 

• Quick and healthy food options, such as ham, tuna or Quorn sandwiches
• Water or juice
• Fruit and cereal bars to snack on

Then, when it comes to the next day, all you have to do is grab your child’s lunch box out of the fridge and pack it in their bag. If your school bag has a detachable lunch box, make sure you attach it back on again ready for the day ahead. On the hunt for a new lunch bag? Serve up their school snacks in one of our boys’ lunch boxes or girls’ lunch boxes.


4. Pack your school bag

Make sure your child’s school bag is packed with everyday essentials, as well as the relevant school books, homework and exercise books they’ll need for the next day. Our
back to school checklist contains everything you could possibly need, but here’s some things you should include:

• Pencil case and stationary
• Exercise books
• School books
• Planner
• Childrens’ school lunch bags and water bottles
• Umbrella/suncream

Shop our stylish and high quality girls’ school bags and boys’ school bags.

5. Load up spare essentials in your car

If you’re in a rush, it can be easy to forget things. Spare yourself the stress and keep any essentials you’ll need in the car in time for the school run!  Loose change, raincoats, spare underwear, and socks and suncream are all handy when you’re in a hurry.

Take a look at our full collection of girls’ jackets and boys’ jackets, perfect for stashing in your car.

6. Create a designated area for school items

Creating a designated area is essential for making sure things don’t go missing. Encourage your children to leave any books, forms and letters, homework and planners there, and let them get into the habit of picking up what they need again the next day.

In the morning

The morning is here, and thanks to your prep the day before, things should be running smoothly. Here’s how you can keep your morning stress-free:

7. Wake up at least 20 minutes earlier than the kids

Waking up before the kids gives you the chance to have some time to yourself and prepare for the day ahead while the house is still quiet. Use this time to take a shower, eat your own breakfast or catch up on emails. Then, once it’s time to wake the kids up you’ll feel ready for the day ahead.

8. Immediately open your curtains

While it can be tempting to snooze your alarm to grab five minutes’ more shut-eye, the best way to wake up is by immediately opening the curtains. Let the natural light filter in and enjoy a cup of tea in bed—you deserve it!


9. Prepare a simple yet nutritious breakfast

Kids have loads of energy, so a simple cereal bar in the morning just isn’t going to cut it. But on the same note, a hearty fry up is much too heavy and takes too long to put together! Instead, a round of toast or bowl of cereal, yoghurt and a piece of fruit is a great easy breakfast that doesn’t take long to prepare.

10. Take time for final checks

There’s nothing worse than rushing off in a hurry—so before leaving the house, allow yourself a couple of minutes to check you have everything. This is the time to check for homework and do one final glance at your weather app, then you’re good to go!

We’re sure these ten tips will help you to get the most out of your mornings. Shopping for school items? Take a look at our girls’ back to school and boys’ back to school full collection, or shop our girls’ sportswear and boys’ sportswear.